

Clarity trains 194 Tour Directors in Lisbon, Portugal

Clarity's lead trainer, Martin Alderton, ran four training sessions to a total of nearly two hundred experienced Tour Directors in Lisbon. The topics that Martin covered included a Defusing Workshop, 'Before, During and After a serious incident' and the management of sexually motivated incidents. Martin was later told that there was a lot of positive [...]

By | 2018-11-19T11:04:13+00:00 November 11th, 2018|Training|0 Comments

BI-Worldwide first training course

Using two different scenarios for one of the exercises Clarity led the first of a short series of training courses for BI Worldwide, the global performance improvement agency. The delegates attending had to manage these two scenarios. Natural Disaster A strong earthquake estimated at 7.2 on the Richter scale has just hit the Pisa area [...]

By | 2018-11-17T16:23:03+00:00 November 23rd, 2017|Training|0 Comments