Incident Preparation Audit
How to use this Audit form
Complete the form by entering information in (at least) the fields that have a * then submit it to Clarity. You will receive a free bespoke audit report sent to whichever email address you include.
The report will contain guidance that you are likely to find helpful whether you are either reviewing your current incident response plans, or are beginning your incident management planning.
Interpreting the Audit form
A tragic incident involves a death. Any death is likely to be tragic. But, the impact of the death on your organisation will be greater if it is:
- sudden
- caused by violence or an accident
- work-related
- on your premises
- or occurs during an activity you supervise
A traumatic incident may not cause death or even injury. But it will often cause intense fear, feelings of helplessness and/or horror. Traumatic events typically result in distressing and disruptive psychological reactions that can be long-lasting.
This audit form is intended to focus on events that relate to your organisation’s activities and which are likely to cause psychological distress. Events are still relevant even if they are peripheral to your main activities (e.g. when colleagues are travelling to and from work).
It is impossible to provide an exhaustive list of relevant incidents but typical examples include:
- Colleagues and/or customers experiencing or witnessing a robbery
- Colleagues and/or customers suffering or witnessing an accident, injury or sudden death
- Colleagues and/or customers suffering some form of transportation accident or “near-miss”
- Colleagues and/or customers suffering a terrorist attack
- Colleagues and/or customers experiencing a natural disaster